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Invitation for Bids: For the purchase of 2025 or Newer Tandem-Axle Dump Truck

The City of Goshen Board of Public Works and Safety is soliciting sealed bids for the purchase of a tandem-axle dump truck for use in the City of Goshen’s Street Department. The Board of Public Works and Safety is hereinafter referred to as “City”. 

Offers shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and all contractual terms and conditions that are included in the Specification Documents. In addition to price, offers will be evaluated based on whether the Bidder is responsible, and if the Bidder’s offer is responsive. 

Specifications and Contract Documents may be obtained from the Goshen Clerk-Treasurer’s Office at 202 South Fifth Street, Goshen, IN 46528 or the City of Goshen’s website at The City shall not be responsible for documents obtained from any other source. 

Sealed offers may be mailed or otherwise delivered to the Goshen Board of Public Works and Safety, c/o Clerk-Treasurer’s Office, 202 South Fifth Street, Goshen, Indiana 46528, provided the proposal is received by 3:45 p.m. on October 3, 2024. After 3:45 p.m. and up until 4:00 p.m. on October 3, 2024, a bidder may personally deliver a sealed proposal to the Goshen Board of Public Works and Safety in the City Court Room/Council Chambers at the Goshen Police & Court Building, 111 East Jefferson Street, Goshen, Indiana. All proposals timely received will be publicly opened and read aloud by the Goshen Board of Public Works and Safety at the 4:00 p.m. meeting on October 3, 2024. Any proposal received after the applicable deadline will be returned. 

The City of Goshen Board of Public Works and Safety reserves the right to reject any and all offers, delete any portions thereof, to waive any informalities or irregularities in any bid received, and to award a contract, consistent with Indiana law, to the lowest responsible and responsive Bidder. Award of contract is contingent on the availability of funds. 

Indiana Avenue Bridge Closure

The Indiana Avenue bridge (Bridge 403) will be closed between Chicago Avenue and River Avenue on Wednesday, 9/11/24, starting at approximately 8AM. The bridge will be closed for Elkhart County bridge inspections and should be back open by the end of the day. Access will be maintained between Indiana Avenue and River Avenue.

Notice of Adoption of City of Goshen Ordinance 5189, An Ordinance Amending Rules for the Services of the Goshen Sewer Utility and Pretreatment Requirements and Standards

Ordinance 5189, An Ordinance Amending Rules for the Services of the Goshen Sewer Utility and Pretreatment Requirements and Standards, was passed by the Goshen Common Council on August 12, 2024, and approved and adopted by Mayor Leichty on August 12, 2024.

Ordinance 5189 sets forth the City of Goshen’s regulations governing the services of the Goshen Sewer Utility and the City’s pretreatment requirements and standards that apply to all users of the Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW), including the substances prohibited from being directly or indirectly discharged to the POTW by users. Ordinance 5189 is available for inspection in its entirety during regular business hours at the Goshen Clerk-Treasurer’s Office located at 202 S. Fifth Street, Goshen, Indiana.

INDOT to begin paving on South Main, between Gra-Roy and Lafayette Streets.

INDOT to begin paving on South Main, between Gra-Roy and Lafayette Streets. They will be temporarily closing access to E. Lafayette, E. Waverly, Kenwood, and Gra-Roy at their Main St intersections. The roads will reopen as the work progresses. Learn more about INDOT’s upcoming projects:

Upcoming Lincoln Avenue Closure

Lincoln Avenue will be closed from Rock Run Creek to east of Olive Street, starting this Monday, August 12th. We expect the road to remain closed until sometime in November. Niblock Excavating will be installing water main, storm sewer, and replacing utility services as part of the City’s Steury Avenue and Lincoln Avenue reconstruction project. 

Invitations to bid: For the purchase of two (2) Service Bodies to be mounted on a single axle chassis.

The City of Goshen Board of Public Works and Safety is soliciting sealed offers for the purchase of two (2) service bodies to be mounted on single axle chassis for use by the City of Goshen’s Water & Sewer Department. The Board of Public Works and Safety is hereinafter referred to as “City”.

The Specification Documents may be obtained from the City of Goshen’s Clerk-Treasurer’s Office, 202 South Fifth St., Goshen, IN 46528 or the City of Goshen’s current Bidding Opportunities portal at  The City shall not be responsible for documents obtained from any other source.

Offers shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Quoters and all contractual terms and conditions that are included in the Specification Documents. In addition to price, offers will be evaluated based on whether the Quoter is responsible, and if the Quoter’s offer is responsive.

Offers shall be filed with the City of Goshen Clerk-Treasurer’s Office, 202 South Fifth Street, Goshen, IN 46528 until 3:45 p.m. August 29, 2024 at which time all offers received will be taken to the Board of Public Works and Safety meeting to be publicly opened and read aloud. The Board meeting will be held in City Court Room/Council Chambers at the Goshen Police & Court Building, 111 East Jefferson Street, Goshen.

The City of Goshen Board of Public Works and Safety reserves the right to reject any and all offers, delete any portions thereof, to waive any informalities or irregularities in any bid received, and to award a contract, consistent with Indiana law, to the lowest responsible and responsive Quoter. Award of contract is contingent on the availability of funds.

Invitation for Bids: Purchase and Installation of one (1) Diesel Generator Set


August 29, 2024, at 3:45 pm.

The City of Goshen Board of Public Works and Safety is soliciting sealed offers for the purchase and installation of one (1) diesel generator set.

Offers are also being solicited for an optional item.  The city reserves the right to select the optional offer.

The Specification Documents may be obtained from the City of Goshen’s Clerk-Treasurer’s Office, 202 South Fifth St., Goshen, IN 46528 or the City of Goshen’s current Bidding Opportunities portal at  The City shall not be responsible for documents obtained from any other source.

Offers shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and all contractual terms and conditions that are included in the Specification Documents.  In addition to price, offers will be evaluated based on whether the bidder is responsible, and if the bidder’s offer is responsive.

Offers shall be filed with the City of Goshen Clerk-Treasurer’s Office, 202 South Fifth Street, Goshen, IN  46528 until 3:45 p.m. August 29, 2024 at which time all offers received will be taken to the Board of Public Works and Safety meeting to be publicly opened and read aloud.  The Board meeting will be held in City Court Room/Council Chambers at the Goshen Police & Court Building, 111 East Jefferson Street, Goshen.

The City of Goshen Board of Public Works and Safety reserves the right to reject any and all offers, delete any portions thereof, to waive any informalities or irregularities in any bid received, and to award a contract, consistent with Indiana law, to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. Award of contract is contingent on the availability of funds.

Notice of Adoption of City of Goshen Ordinance 5184

Authorizing the Use of Off-Road Vehicles on Highways under the Jurisdiction of the City of Goshen, Indiana and Imposing Requirements for Such

      Ordinance 5184, Authorizing the Use of Off-Road Vehicles on Highways under the Jurisdiction of the City of Goshen, Indiana and Imposing Requirements for Such, was passed by the Goshen Common Council on July 8, 2024, and approved and adopted by Mayor Leichty on July 11, 2024.

      Ordinance 5184 sets forth the requirements for the operation of an off-road vehicle upon the highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Goshen, including the rules of operation, minimum safety equipment required, requirements of the operator and owner, financial responsibility of the operator, and the registration of the off-road vehicle with the State of Indiana.  The City may enforce a violation of Ordinance 5184 in the City’s Ordinance Violation Bureau with a penalty of $175 for a first offense, $225 for a second offense in a 12-month period, and $250 for a third offense in a 12-month period.  The City may also enforce Ordinance 5184 by filing an action in any count of general jurisdiction to recover a fine as specified by the Ordinance based on the nature of the violation.  In addition, a person who violates Ordinance 5184 may be subject to impoundment of the off-road vehicle.

      Ordinance 5184 is available for inspection in its entirety during regular business hours at the Goshen Clerk-Treasurer’s Office located at 202 S. Fifth Street, Goshen, Indiana.

Notice of Adoption of City of Goshen Ordinance 5192

Notice of Adoption of City of Goshen Ordinance 5192, Authorizing the Use of Golf Carts on Highways under the Jurisdiction of the City of Goshen, Indiana and Imposing Requirements for Such

      Ordinance 5192, Authorizing the Use of Golf Carts on Highways under the Jurisdiction of the City of Goshen, Indiana and Imposing Requirements for Such, was passed by the Goshen Common Council on July 8, 2024, and approved and adopted by Mayor Leichty on July 11, 2024.

      Ordinance 5192 sets forth the requirements for the operation of a golf cart upon the certain highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Goshen, including the rules of operation, minimum safety equipment required, requirements of the operator and owner, and financial responsibility of the operator.  The owner of the golf cart is required to obtain a valid permit from the City of Goshen, which shall require payment of a $50 application fee and inspection of the golf cart.  A golf cart shall not be operated on a highway designated as part of the State of Indiana Highway System, nor upon any highway that has a speed limit of 35 mph or more.  The City may enforce a violation of Ordinance 5192 in the City’s Ordinance Violation Bureau with a penalty of $175 for a first offense, $225 for a second offense in a 12-month period, and $250 for a third offense in a 12-month period.  The City may also enforce Ordinance 5192 by filing an action in any count of general jurisdiction to recover a fine not exceeding $2500.  In addition, a person who violates Ordinance 5192 may be subject to impoundment of the golf cart and/or revocation of a permit issued under the ordinance.

      Ordinance 5192 is available for inspection in its entirety during regular business hours at the Goshen Clerk-Treasurer’s Office located at 202 S. Fifth Street, Goshen, Indiana.