Tag Archives: Boil Water Order

Boil Order: Denver St between W Pike St and W Lincoln Avenue

On Thursday, July 25 a boil order was issued for Denver Street between W. Pike Street and W. Lincoln Avenue. The affected addresses are below:

  • 111 Denver St
  • 113 Denver St
  • 115 Denver St
  • 117 Denver St
  • 119 Denver St
  • 121 Denver St
  • 209 Denver St
  • 213 Denver St

It is recommended that all cooking and drinking water be brought to a complete boil for five minutes before use. Please continue to boil all cooking and drinking water until notified that it is no longer necessary.

We appreciate your cooperation during this time and will update you as necessary until the drinking water problem has been solved.  If you have any questions concerning the drinking water problem, please contact your water department at 574-534-5306 or waterseweroffice@goshencity.com.

Boil Order: Arehart St between E Wilden Ave and Oakridge Ave

On Thursday, July 25 a boil order was issued for Arehart Street between E. Wilden Avenue and Oakridge Avenue. The affected addresses are below:

  • 705 Arehart St
  • 707 Arehart St
  • 709 Arehart St
  • 711 Arehart St
  • 715 Arehart St
  • 801 Arehart St
  • 803 Arehart St
  • 805 Arehart St

It is recommended that all cooking and drinking water be brought to a complete boil for five minutes before use. Please continue to boil all cooking and drinking water until notified that it is no longer necessary.

We appreciate your cooperation during this time and will update you as necessary until the drinking water problem has been solved.  If you have any questions concerning the drinking water problem, please contact your water department at 574-534-5306 or waterseweroffice@goshencity.com.

Boil Order: 200 Block of Queen Street

On Monday, July 22, a boil order was issued for the 200 Block of Queen Street, between North 2nd and 3rd Streets. A map of the affected area can be found below.

It is recommended that all cooking and drinking water be brought to a complete boil for five minutes before use. Please continue to boil all cooking and drinking water until notified that it is no longer necessary.

We appreciate your cooperation during this time and will update you as necessary until the drinking water problem has been solved.  If you have any questions concerning the drinking water problem, please contact your water department at 574-534-5306 or waterseweroffice@goshencity.com.

Boil Order for Lincolnway E

In Consultation with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, it has been de-termined that the water customers should boil their drinking water. This precautionary measure is recommended because a water main valve will be shut off to do repairs in your area. 

It is recommended that all cooking and drinking water be brought to a complete boil for five (5) minutes before using. Please con-tinue to boil all cooking and drinking water un-til we notify you that it is no longer necessary. 

Until we resolve this drinking water problem, we are also asking that you conserve water and only use what is necessary for household and personal needs. 

We appreciate your cooperation during this time and will update you as necessary until the drinking water problem has been solved. If you have any questions concerning the drinking water problem, please contact the water de-partment at 574-534-5306.

A Boil advisory is not as bad as it seems. Whenever there is a disruption of water ser-vice, it is always a cautious measure to issue a boil advisory allowing our customers to make an informed decision based on their particular situation. There is an inherent risk of contami-nation when the soil around the pipe is dis-turbed due to the main break and subsequent repair of the water pipes. 

We take every precaution to minimize the risk of contamination. Water is then tested in cycles of 24 hours to ensure that there are no contaminants present. Two sets of samples are taken 24 hours apart, when both samples come back clean the boil advisory is lifted. 

Normal water pressure for city service is 60 pounds of pressure. During a boil order, pres-sure may become low until the problem is fixed. 

Clientes de Agua de Goshen Orden De Ebullición 

En consulta con el Departamento de Gestio n Ambiental de Indiana, se ha determinado que los clientes de agua deben hervir su agua potable. Esta medida de precau-cio n se recomienda porque una válvula principal de agua se apagará para realizar reparaciones en su área. 

Se recomienda que toda el agua de coccio n y bebida se lleve a una ebullicio n completa durante cinco (5) minu-tos antes de usar. Por favor, continu e hirviendo toda el agua de cocinar y bebida hasta que le notifiquemos que ya no es necesaria. 

Hasta que resue lvanos este problema de agua potable, tambie n le pedimos que conserve el agua y utilice so lo lo necesario para las necesidades dome sticas y personales. 

Agradecemos su cooperacio n durante este tiempo y le informaremos si es necesario hasta que se haya resuelto el problema del agua potable. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el problema del agua potable, po ngase en contacto con el departamento de agua al 574-534-5306 

Un consejo de ebullicio n no es tan malo como parece. Siempre que se produzca una interrupcio n del servicio de agua, es siempre una medida de precaucio n emitir un aviso de ebullicio n que permita a nuestros clientes to-mar una decisio n informada basada en su situacio n par-ticular. Existe un riesgo inherente de contaminacio n cuando el suelo alrededor de la tuberí a es perturbado debido a la ruptura principal y posterior reparacio n de las tuberí as de agua. 

Tomamos todas las precauciones para minimizar el riesgo de contaminacio n. Luego se prueba el agua en ciclos de 24 horas para asegurarse de que no hay conta-minantes presentes. Dos conjuntos de muestras se to-man a intervalos de 24 horas, cuando ambas muestras vuelven limpias se levanta el aviso de ebullicio n. 

La presio n normal del agua para el servicio de la ciu-dad es de 60 libras de presio n. Durante un orden de ebullicio n, la presio n puede bajar hasta que el problema se arregle. 

Boil Order: Blackport Dr. to S 29th St.

Starting at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 7, a water main valve was shut off to repair a hydrant valve. A Boil Water Advisory has been issued for East Goshen from Blackport Drive to S 29th Street, for when the water comes back on.

It is recommended that all cooking and drinking water be brought to a complete boil for five minutes before using.  Please continue to boil all cooking and drinking water until a notification that it is no longer necessary.

We appreciate your cooperation during this time and will update you as necessary until the drinking water problem has been solved.  If you have any questions concerning the drinking water problem, please contact your water department at 574-534-5306 or waterseweroffice@goshencity.com.

More info on boil orders can be found below:



On the morning of Friday, July 21st, a water main valve was inadvertently shut off during construction work on W Wilden Avenue. The water was immediately turned back on but until all necessary testing is completed and the water is deemed safe to drink a boil water order is in effect for the area of the 100, 200, & 300 Block of W Wilden Avenue between N 1st Street and N Main Street.SR 15 (see the MAP for more details) until further notice.

City water within the affected area should not be consumed by humans or pets without first following these boiling procedures:

  • Bring the water (even if it is filtered) to a full boil for at least five (5) minutes.
  • Cool and aerate the boiled water by pouring it through the air from one clean container to another or mixing rapidly with a clean utensil.
  • Aeration helps to reduce the flat taste caused by boiling.
  • Store cooled boiled water in clean and airtight containers.           

Please discard all ice from ice-making machines that use city water and turn them off until the boil water order is lifted.

The water remains safe for bathing, laundry, and restroom facilities. Cleaning dishes with a dishwasher is acceptable if it has a sanitizing cycle (180 degrees F minimum final rinse temperature). Hand-washed dishes should be rinsed with boiled or bottled water.

Be careful to not swallow any water during bathing or showering and use bottled or boiled water for brushing your teeth.

For further information or to report specific service concerns, please call Ana Rios at the Goshen Water Department at 574-534-5306. Si usted necesita esta informacio n en espan ol por favor, po ngase en contacto con la oficina de agua y alcantarilla 574-534-5306.


The Water Boil Advisory issued on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, for the homes located within the 200 Block of S 10th Street and 617 E Jefferson Street has been CANCELED. Water samples have been taken, test results are satisfactory, and it is no longer necessary to boil your water.

Thank you to the residents of this area for your patience and for the water conservation measures you followed. If you have any questions, please contact the Water & Sewer Department at 574-534-5306.

Sí usted necesita esta información en español por favor, pongase en contacto con la oficina de agua y alcantarilla 574-534-5306.


Starting at 9:00 am on Wednesday, June 21st, a boil water advisory is in effect for the area of the 200 Block of S 10th Street and 617 E Jefferson Street (see the MAP for more details) due to the water main being shut off to allow for new valves to be installed.

The affected area is between E Jefferson and the US 33/Lincolnway E Overpass. Until the routine maintenance of the public water main is completed, we are also asking that you conserve water and only use what is necessary for household and personal needs.

Once the water comes back on water customers should boil their drinking water until notified that the water is safe to drink once again. Water samples will be taken and analyzed for the presence of bacteria. If two consecutive tests pass, the boil water order will be lifted. Notice of the boil water order cancellation will be posted to the City’s Facebook and Website.

In the meantime, City water within the affected area should not be consumed by humans or pets without first following these boiling procedures:

  • Bring the water (even if it is filtered) to a full boil for at least five (5) minutes.
  • Cool and aerate the boiled water by pouring it through the air from one clean container to another or mixing rapidly with a clean utensil.
  • Aeration helps to reduce the flat taste caused by boiling.
  • Store cooled boiled water in clean and airtight containers.           

Please discard all ice from ice-making machines that use city water and turn them off until the boil water order is lifted.

The water remains safe for bathing, laundry, and restroom facilities. Cleaning dishes with a dishwasher is acceptable if it has a sanitizing cycle (180 degrees F minimum final rinse temperature). Hand-washed dishes should be rinsed with boiled or bottled water.

Be careful to not swallow any water during bathing or showering and used bottled or boiled water for brushing your teeth.

For further information or to report specific service concerns, please call Ana Rios at the Goshen Water Department at 574-534-5306. Si usted necesita esta informacio n en espan ol por favor, po ngase en contacto con la oficina de agua y alcantarilla 574-534-5306.


The Boil Order for South Main Street and Carter Road was canceled on Friday, May 19th. The samples have been taken, test results are satisfactory, and boiling your water is no longer necessary.

Thank you for your patience and for the water conservation measures you followed. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the Water & Sewer Department at 574-534-5306.

BOIL WATER ORDER – S. Main Street & Carter Road


On Tuesday, May 16th, a water main valve was shut off to repair a water main break, which was repaired by 11:10 pm last night. The water was immediately turned back on but until all necessary testing is completed and the water is deemed safe to drink a boil water order is in effect for the area of S. Main Street and Carter Road (see the MAP for more details) until further notice.

City water within the affected area should not be consumed by humans or pets without first following these boiling procedures:

  • Bring the water (even if it is filtered) to a full boil for at least five (5) minutes.
  • Cool and aerate the boiled water by pouring it through the air from one clean container to another or mixing rapidly with a clean utensil.
  • Aeration helps to reduce the flat taste caused by boiling.
  • Store cooled boiled water in clean and airtight containers.           

Please discard all ice from ice-making machines that use city water and turn them off until the boil water order is lifted.

The water remains safe for bathing, laundry, and restroom facilities. Cleaning dishes with a dishwasher is acceptable if it has a sanitizing cycle (180 degrees F minimum final rinse temperature). Hand-washed dishes should be rinsed with boiled or bottled water.

Be careful to not swallow any water during bathing or showering and used bottled or boiled water for brushing your teeth.

Water samples will be taken and analyzed for the presence of bacteria. If two consecutive tests pass, the boil water order will be lifted. Notice of the boil water order cancellation will be posted to the City’s Facebook and Website. For further information or to report specific service concerns, please call Ana Rios at the Goshen Water Department at 574-534-5306.