City Council

Goshen’s City Council is made up of five district representatives and two at-large representatives (the mayor acts as presiding officer). Council terms are four years, with no term limits. City Council is the legislative body of Goshen, meaning it can pass, amend, or rescind local ordinances (the mayor may vote only to break a tie). City Council is also Goshen’s fiscal body, with responsibility for approving the annual budget and other financial agreements involving the City. Council also appoints members to various commissions and boards. 

All City Council legal authority is collective, rather than individual. Council can only set policy together with a majority vote.

The Council includes a Youth adviser, a student elected by peers at Goshen High School every year in May. The Youth Adviser participates fully in proceedings, including voting; although the vote is not counted towards the legal outcome.

To contact your council representative, visit the Elected Officials page.

Click here to see and download the 2024 Council District Map as a PDF.

MEETING DATES: To see the full 2024 calendar click here. 

Unless otherwise indicated, meetings will begin at 6:00 p.m.

Read the invitation to fiber installation companies here. 

Read Resolution 2015-08, A Resolution Acknowledging the Racially Exclusionary Past of Goshen, Indiana, as a ‘Sundown Town’, passed by the Goshen Common Council March 17, 2015. Click here for the resolution.

To view Resolution 2020-18, Endorsing the Elkhart County Health Department’s mandate on wearing Face Coverings and Recommending a Reduction in the Maximum Number of Attendees at Any Private or Public Gathering, click here. 

To view Resolution 2020-19, Recognizing and Supporting the Goshen City Police and Commitment to the Community, click here. 

To view Resolution 2019-19, A proposal to reduce carbon emissions, increase efficiency and renewable energy use, to create a climate change-resilient city of Goshen municipal government that will protect the future members of our community, click here.

To view Ordinance 4960, Restrictions on Smoking and Use of E-cigarettes, Vaping, click here.

To view Resolution 2016-45, passed by the Council Dec. 20, 2016, click here.

To view archived minutes, click here

Goshen City Council Meetings
Police/Courts Building
111 E. Jefferson Street
Goshen, IN 46528

Meetings & Events All Meetings & Events

Board of Public Works and Safety

Thursday, February 13, 2025, 4:00pm

The Board of Public Works and Safety and Stormwater Board is the chief administrative body for the City of Goshen. It oversees the day-to-day business of the City, including bids and quotes, contracts. To watch previous meetings visit:

Board of Aviation Commissioners

Monday, February 17, 2025, 2:00pm

Shade Tree Board

Monday, February 17, 2025, 4:00pm