Urban Forestry Research
Benefits of the Urban Forest
Trees are an important part of the urban human and wildlife ecosystem. As the climate continues to warm, the City of Goshen will be working to protect this valuable infrastructure by understanding the effects climate change has on the local urban forest. Trees that have done well in our area in the past are now beginning to migrate north as the temperatures and precipitation change. With those changes, there will be additional tree species migration from areas south of us to the Goshen area. The following is the beginning of local research designed to assist in making long-term decisions to protect and grow Goshen’s urban forest. The research was done by Aidan Friesen.
Tree Research for Homeowners – English Version
Tree Research for Homeowners – Spanish Version
Tree Research Technical – English Version
Tree Research Technical – Spanish Version
Tree Research for Homeowners – English Version

Tree Research for Homeowners – Spanish Version