Electric Vehicle Education
Between 2012 and 2016, more than 500,000 electric vehicles (EVs) were sold in the United States, with 200,000 more sold between July 2016 and June 2017. Within five years, there might be 2.9 million electric vehicles in the United States, according to estimates. By 2025, EV sales will have surpassed 1.2 million, and the number of EVs on the road will have surpassed 7 million.
Electric vehicles are becoming more affordable, their range and dependability are improving, and foreign and domestic EV makers are producing new models every year.
Facts about EVs
- Pollutants from gasoline vehicles have both immediate and long-term consequences for the environment. Car exhaust emits a variety of gases and solid matter, which contribute to climate change, acid rain, and other environmental and human health issues. Pollution is also caused by engine noise and gasoline spills.
- EVs help reduce emissions from gasoline vehicles that contribute to climate change, as well as improve public health and lessen environmental harm.
- There are currently over 50 Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) and Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) models in the USA.
- There are 16 electric vehicle charging stations within a 30 mile radius of Goshen
- Some brands of new electric cars cost as low as $30,000
- There are currently over 60,000 charging stations in the USA