City Court

Judge Richard .L Mehl was first elected to the bench in November of 2019. His first term began January 1, 2020. He was reelected in November of 2023, and the second four-year term started on January 1, 2024. Judge Mehl graduated from Goshen High School (1970), Bal State University (1975), and Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis (1979). He was admitted to the Indiana Bar on May 31, 1979. He is a fourth-generation attorney, and there are now six generations of attorneys in his family going back to his great-grandfather Abraham C. Mehl. Judge Mehl and his wife, Dana, are lifelong residents of Goshen, Indiana, and have three children and eight grandchildren. The City Judge position is part-time, and Judge Mehl also maintains a private practice with Mehl & Mehl in Goshen, Indiana.
Goshen City Court has jurisdiction over criminal misdemeanors, city ordinances and traffic infractions.
The Ordinance Violations Bureau is administered by the City Court Clerk who serves as the Violations Clerk. The Violations Clerk accepts written appearances, waivers of trial, admissions of violations, and payment of civil penalties for parking violations and other ordinance violations. Ordinance 5171 – Amending Ordinance Violations Bureau – can be viewed in its entirety at the following link: Ordinance Violations Bureau.
The City Court Clerk accepts cash, money orders or credit/debit cards (see details below):
Credit/Debit Card: Effective APRIL 1, 2021, Goshen City Court will be accepting credit/debit card payments ON-LINE through mycase.in.gov. Search for your case by your name or case number. Click on the “Make a Payment” button to make your payment. The payment will be applied automatically to the case.
Money Order can be sent through regular mail to Goshen City Court, 111 E. Jefferson Street, Goshen, IN 46528; or placed in the CITY COURT DROP BOX inside the front door of the building; or brought in to the CITY COURT CLERK’S office during regular business hours. Cash is accepted in person only at the City Court Clerk’s office during regular business hours. DO NOT LEAVE CASH in the Drop Box.
Goshen City Probation
Alison Gingerich, Chief Probation Officer
574-533-9998 or 574-534-4503
Office hours: 8:00 am – 3:30 pm., Monday through Friday
City Court Clerk
Office hours: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
111 E. Jefferson St.
Goshen, IN 46528
Email: citycourt@goshencity.com