Category Archives: Public Notice and Meeting Announcements

Under this category, public notices for various boards and committees are published.

Public Notice on Proposed Local Limits Modification for City of Goshen Wastewater Treatment Plant

The City of Goshen Wastewater Treatment Plant has submitted, and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 5, 77 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60604-3590, has reviewed the draft report entitled “Goshen Local Limits Re-evaluation” and concurs with the conclusion of the report which recommends reducing the mercury limit from 430 to 370 nanograms per liter (ng/l), and retention of all other local limits. Based on the EPA’s evaluation of the information provided, the EPA has proposed to approve the subject study and revised local limit.
To implement this local limit modification, the City of Goshen is proposing to amend the daily maximum for mercury set forth in Title 5, Article 7, Chapter 3, Section 2, Supplementary Limitations, subsection (a), Local Limits, subdivision (7) of the Goshen City Code to 370 ng/l. All other local limits shall remain unchanged.

Interested persons may contact Jim Kerezman at the City of Goshen Wastewater Treatment Plant, 1000 West Wilden Ave., Goshen, IN 46528 or by calling 574-534-4102 for additional information on the proposed modification. The draft report entitled “Goshen Local Limits Re-evaluation” is also available for inspection and copying at the City of Goshen Wastewater Treatment Plant during regular business hours.

Any written comments on the proposed revision in the daily maximum for mercury to from 430 to 370 ng/l or a request for a public hearing may be submitted in person or mailed no later than 30 days from the date of this Public Notice to the attention of Jim Kerezman at the City of Goshen Wastewater Treatment Plant, 1000 West Wilden Ave, Goshen, IN 46528. All comments received are made available to the public for inspection and copying. A public hearing request shall indicate the interest of the person filing such request and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. A public hearing will be held if there is a significant degree of public interest in the proposed local limit modification.

Notice of Adoption of Ordinance 4900

The Goshen Common Council passed Ordinance 4900, Establish the Annual Tax Rate for the City of Goshen Cumulative Capital Development Fund on May 2, 2017. The Cumulative Capital Development Fund may be used for any or all the purposes specified by Indiana Code § 36-9-15.5-2. To provide for the fund, the City of Goshen will levy a tax on all taxable property within the City of Goshen. The tax rate will not exceed Five Cents ($0.05) on each One Hundred Dollars ($100) of assessed valuation beginning with 2017 taxes payable in 2018 and continuing each year thereafter until reduced or rescinded.
Not later than noon thirty (30) days after the publication of this Notice of Adoption, at least fifty (50) City of Goshen taxpayers may file a petition with the Elkhart County Auditor stating their objections to the establishment of the annual tax rate for the Cumulative Capital Development Fund. Upon the filing of the petition, the Elkhart County Auditor shall immediately certify the petition to the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF). The DLGF will fix a date for a hearing on the petition and the City of Goshen’s the establishment of the annual tax rate for the Cumulative Capital Development Fund. After the hearing, the DLGF shall certify approval, disapproval, or modification of the City of Goshen’s proposal.

Notice of Adoption of Ordinance 4901

The Goshen Common Council passed Ordinance 4901, Establish the Annual Tax Rate for the City of Goshen Cumulative Building or Remodeling, Firefighting, and Police Radio Equipment Fund on May 2, 2017. The Cumulative Building or Remodeling, Firefighting, and Police Radio Equipment Fund may be used for any or all the purposes specified by Indiana Code § 36-8-14-2(c). To provide for the fund, the City of Goshen will levy a tax on all taxable property within the City of Goshen. The tax rate will not exceed Three and Thirty-three hundredths Cents ($0.0333) on each One Hundred Dollars ($100) of assessed valuation beginning with 2017 taxes payable in 2018 and continuing each year thereafter until reduced or rescinded.
Not later than noon thirty (30) days after the publication of this Notice of Adoption, at least ten (10) City of Goshen taxpayers may file a petition with the Elkhart County Auditor stating their objections to the establishment of the annual tax rate for the Cumulative Building or Remodeling, Firefighting, and Police Radio Equipment Fund. Upon the filing of the petition, the Elkhart County Auditor shall immediately certify the petition to the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF). The DLGF will fix a date for a hearing on the petition and the City of Goshen’s the establishment of the annual tax rate for the Cumulative Building or Remodeling, Firefighting, and Police Radio Equipment Fund. After the hearing, the DLGF shall
certify approval, disapproval, or modification of the City of Goshen’s proposal.

Notice of Adoption of Ordinance 4902

The Goshen Common Council passed Ordinance 4902, Establish the Annual Tax Rate for the City of Goshen Cumulative Building and Sinking Fund for Municipal Sewers on May 2, 2017. The Cumulative Building and Sinking Fund for Municipal Sewers may be used for any or all the purposes specified by Indiana Code § 36-9-26-2(a). To provide for the fund, the City of Goshen will levy a tax on all taxable property within the City of Goshen. The tax rate will not exceed Three and Thirty-three hundredths Cents ($0.0333) on each One Hundred Dollars ($100) of assessed valuation beginning with 2017 taxes payable in 2018 and continuing each year thereafter until reduced or rescinded.
Not later than noon thirty (30) days after the publication of this Notice of Adoption, at least fifty (50) Cityof Goshen taxpayers may file a petition with the Elkhart County Auditor stating their objections to the establishment of the annual tax rate for the Cumulative Building and Sinking Fund for Municipal Sewers. Upon the filing of the petition, the Elkhart County Auditor shall immediately certify the petition to theIndiana Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF). The DLGF will fix a date for a hearing on the petition and the City of Goshen’s the establishment of the annual tax rate for the Cumulative Building and Sinking Fund for Municipal Sewers. After the hearing, the DLGF shall certify approval, disapproval, or modification of the City of Goshen’s proposal.

Well Head Protection Area Planning Team Meeting to be held Friday.

On Friday, January 27, 2017, at 11:30 am, the local Well Head Protection Area Planning Team will be holding a public hearing. The meeting will be held in the Annex Conference Room at 204 E. Jefferson Street.

Recent events and activities within the City that pertain to the Well Head Protection Areas will be discussed and new members will be welcomed to the planning team.