Author Archives: Sharon

Dykstra Street Reconstruction Construction Project Public Notice

The City of Goshen (202 S 5th Street Goshen, Indiana 46528) will be submitting a Notice of Intent to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, a minimum of 10 days from the date of this posting, indicating our intent to comply with the requirements of Section 3.7(a)(2) of the Construction Stormwater General Permit to discharge stormwater from construction and land disturbing activities associated with the reconstruction of Dykstra Street between S 22nd Street and S 29th Street.  Stormwater run-off from the project site will discharge to the wetland area to the south with the potential to flow to Rock Run Creek.  Questions or comments regarding this project should be directed to Jason Kauffman, Goshen Stormwater Department at or 574-537-3832.

INVITATION FOR BIDS: Purchase of Ambulance Box and 4X2 Chassis

The City of Goshen is soliciting sealed proposals for the purchase of an Ambulance Box and 4×2 Chassis. Specification Documents may be obtained from the Goshen Clerk-Treasurer’s Office at 202 South Fifth Street, Goshen, Indiana 46528. Sealed proposals must be received by the Goshen Clerk-Treasurer’s Office at 202 South Fifth Street, Goshen, Indiana 46528 by 1:45 p.m. (local time) on January 31, 2022. All proposals received will be taken to the January 31, 2022 Goshen Board of Public Works and Safety meeting at 2:00 p.m. to be publicly opened and read aloud. The Board meeting will be held in the City Court Room/Council Chambers at the Goshen Police & Court Building, 111 East Jefferson Street, Goshen, Indiana.


This January, meet other community members with shared goals and together take the first steps to a healthier lifestyle.

The City of Goshen’s Parks & Recreation Department has partnered with Goshen College and Medicine Reimagined DPC to create a local chapter of Walk with a Doc, a national program that combines creating a habit of walking with health education.

Through this program, all scheduled walks —the first Monday of each month—are free and open to the public; a registration will be required. All walks will start at 6 p.m. and they will be held at the Goshen College Recreation-Fitness Center January–March and Pringle Park, 1912 W. Lincoln Ave., April–December.

Each month, the walk will start with a short session in which participants will learn about a health topic from a healthcare provider; the rest of the hour is for participants to enjoy a healthy walk and fun conversation.

The program kicks off Monday, January 3, at Goshen College. Mayor Jeremy Stutsman, Parks & Recreation Superintendent Tanya Heyde and Recreational Supervisor Kimberlee Stephens will participate in the first walk.

To register, go to and follow the instructions on the right-hand column under sign-up. For additional questions about the program or registration, contact the Parks & Recreation Department at 534-2901.


On Nov. 16, 2021, the Goshen City Council approved changes to the Water and Sewer rates per Ordinances 5106 and 5107. The utility rate increases will take effect the first billing cycle of each year.

Click here to read Ord. 5106, Goshen Water Utility Schedule of Rates and Charges. This has the full description of changes to the water utility rates.

Click here to read Ord. 5107, Goshen Sewer Utility Schedule of Rates and Charges. This has the full description of changes to the sewer utility rates.

Water rates and charges:

Monthly water usage charge
Monthly water service charge

Sewer rates and charges:

Monthly sewer usage charge
Monthly sewer service charge

To view the full list of rate changes, go to For other questions, contact the Utilities Business Office at 533-9399 or via email at


Governing Body: Goshen Economic Development Commission

Date and Time of Meeting: December 15, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.

Place of Meeting: Goshen City Annex Building

Annex Conference Room
204 East Jefferson Street
Goshen, Indiana

Pursuant to the provisions of the Open Door Law and Indiana Code 5-14-1.5-5, the Goshen
Economic Development Commission will hold a public meeting on December 15, 2021 at
9:00 a.m. in the Annex Conference Room at the Goshen City Annex Building at 204 East
Jefferson Street, Goshen, Indiana.


Governing Body: Goshen Economic Improvement District Board

Date of Meeting: December 2, 2021

Time of Meeting: 7:30 a.m.

Place of Meeting: Goshen City Annex Building Conference Room
204 East Jefferson Street, Goshen, Indiana

Pursuant to the provisions of the Open Door Law and Indiana Code 5-14-1.5-5, the Economic Improvement District Board will hold a public meeting on December 2, 2021 at 7:30 a.m. at the Goshen City Annex Building Conference Room, 204 East Jefferson Street, Goshen, Indiana.

Aviso Público

La Ciudad de Goshen está colaborando con ADEC, Inc. para desarrollar el Proyecto de Sendero Sensorial de Goshen para ayudar a conectar a las personas con discapacidades con los beneficios para la salud y las maravillas de la naturaleza.

La subvención de Conexiones Comunitarias para Personas con Discapacidades (CCPWD por sus siglas en inglés) se ofrece a través de la Oficina de Asuntos Comunitarios y Rurales de Indiana (OCRA), en asociación con la División de Servicios de Rehabilitación y Discapacidad de Indiana (DDRS). La oportunidad de obtener la subvención CCPWD es una subvención en bloque para el desarrollo comunitario que se pone a disposición debido fondos suplementarios de CDBG Coronavirus autorizados bajo la Ley CARES. OCRA ha puesto a disposición $4.9 millones en fondos.

Se otorgó $155,322 para este proyecto. El 100% de los fondos se destina a ayudar a personas adultas con discapacidad. La Ciudad y ADEC Inc. están desarrollando una aplicación habilitada para GPS a la que se accede mediante un teléfono o tableta para conectar a los usuarios con la naturaleza en una experiencia sensorial totalmente inmersiva. La aplicación ayudará a los usuarios a localizar e identificar características naturales únicas, señalar espacios interactivos donde las personas pueden participar en la experiencia sensorial y brindar oportunidades en las que los usuarios puedan aprender, relajarse e involucrar sus sentidos.

El proyecto también está agregando experiencias de la naturaleza en línea que incluyen cámaras estacionarias de naturaleza en vivo para brindar a las personas que no pueden participar en el sendero acceso a los mismos beneficios para la salud mental de las vistas y los sonidos de la naturaleza desde su hogar.

El proyecto está diseñado para beneficiar a personas adultas con discapacidades. Sin desplazamiento.

Se llevará a cabo una reunión pública el lunes 6 de diciembre de 2021 a las 9:00 am en Reith Interpretative Center, 410 W Plymouth. Puede solicitar adaptaciones especiales llamando al 574-533-8621. TDD 574-534-3185. Póngase en contacto con para obtener más información.