Boil Order: North 6th Street

On Monday, November 25, beginning a 9 a.m. are boil order will be issued for the 100 block of N 6th Street due to a water main valve shut off to repair and place a water valve and fire hyrdrant.

The affected area includes the 100 block of N 6th St. between E. Clinton St. and E. Lincoln Ave, 208 through 214 E Clinton Street, and 215 E. Lincoln Ave.

It is recommended that all cooking and drinking water be brought to a complete boil for five minutes before use. Please continue to boil all cooking and drinking water until notified that it is no longer necessary.

We appreciate your cooperation during this time and will update you as necessary until the drinking water problem has been solved.  If you have any questions concerning the drinking water problem, please contact your water department at 574-534-5306 or