The Interurban Trolley will sponsor its 12th annual “Can Do!” food drive beginning Monday, December 4, 2017, through Saturday, December 16, 2017, to benefit The Window in Goshen and Faith Mission of Elkhart. Containers will be placed on board each Trolley for the collection of non-perishable food items. This includes donations such as a box of cereal, canned vegetables, or soup, and similar food items.

Interurban Trolley riders who give a food donation when boarding will ride free for that bus trip. The Interurban Trolley appreciates any food donated.

Donations cannot be used to purchase day or other multi-ride passes. The “Can Do!” food drive is running only on the Interurban Trolley Fixed-Route Service. This promotion is not valid for use with the Interurban Trolley Access Service.

Transit information can be obtained by calling MACOG at (574) 674-8894 or online at