Friday, January 17, 2025
All City of Goshen offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Trash collection services WILL CONTINUE AS REGULARLY SCHEDULED on Monday and the rest of the week. more
Monday, January 13, 2025
Ordinance 5209, City of Goshen Stormwater Management Ordinance, was passed by the Goshen Common Council on December 16, 2024, and approved and adopted by Mayor Leichty on December 17, 2024. Ordinance 5209 regulates: (i) Discharges of prohibited non-stormwater flow into the stormwater drainage... more
Monday, January 13, 2025
With colder weather approaching, the Goshen Water Utility is here to help residents and businesses protect their water lines from freezing. While current conditions don’t call for a Freeze Warning, the Utility encourages everyone to take proactive steps to avoid frozen or burst pipes and ensure uninterrupted... more
Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 4:00pm
To view the webinar, please copy and paste this link on your browser: Or call: (301) 715-8592 or 312 626 6799 Webinar ID: 933 1671 4369
Thursday, January 23, 2025, 4:00pm
To join the webinar please copy and paste this link on your browser:
Monday, January 27, 2025, 4:00pm
Owner Responsibilities
Stormwater Infrastructure Examples
Frequently Asked Questions for PCSMPs
Inspection and Other Resources
Just like water or wastewater utility pipes and systems, stormwater infrastructure only does its job managing stormwater quantity and quality when the system is able to properly function. That means maintenance!
In Goshen, recently developed and redeveloped properties have a "Post-Construction Stormwater Management Plan" (PCSMP) recorded with the property. A PCSMP is a document signed by the owner of a newly developed or re-developed property that includes a legal maintenance agreement with the City of Goshen for stormwater measures tied to the property (installed either directly on, or to the benefit, of the property). Since this document is recorded with the County, it is tied to the property with maintenance responsibilities passing to new owners if the property is sold.
The bulk of the PCSMP however, is a guidance document for the operation and maintenance of stormwater measures. Proper functioning of stormwater measures is essential to reduce stormwater pollution and flood risks.
Use this page to understand your stormwater infrastructure maintenance responsibilities as a property owner and find how-to resources.
If your property has a recorded PCSMP, these are the essential responsibilities outlined in the maintenance agreement:
Photo: A stormwater swale with trees beginning to grow. We love trees, but we also love the saying "right tree, right place!" Trees in basins and swales can take up some of the volume a stormwater feature was designed for. This means less space for stormwater during a heavy rain event and which can increase the risks from localized flooding. Trees elsewhere can be a huge stormwater benefit! They slow water down with their leaves and infiltrate stormwater into the ground with their deep roots systems.
Photo: A stormwater basin holding water during dry weather. Overtime, and depending on stormwater management practices elsewhere on the property, fine sediment like silt can seal the bottom of basins and prevent them from draining. This can create an unsightly and mosquito-prone area, but it can also reduce the volume capacity of the basin. During major rain events, the basin might not be able to hold the amount of water it was designed to accommodate. A well functioning basin should drain dry within 24 hours.
Photo: A horse hitching post with bioretention for stormwater quality control. Vegetation might be part of the stormwater infrastructure! More and more, the City and private property owners are trying to utilize and imitate the stormwater management tools offered by nature. Native plants and other vegetation can aid in stormwater infiltration and filter out pollutants. In this example, plants are used to treat E.coli contaminated runoff from a horse hitching post.
What counts as stormwater infrastructure?
Stormwater infrastructure includes built infrastructure and landscaping meant to protect soils from erosion, redirect and hold stormwater runoff away from buildings and roadways, and/or filter out pollutants from stormwater.
Measures are sometimes obvious like stormwater basins, swales, storm drains, storm pipes, constructed wetlands or other built infrastructure, but other measures might be less noticeable. For example, parking lots with pervious concrete or asphalt may look like a regular parking lot, but are designed to drain stormwater.
Perhaps surprising to some, your properties’ landscaping may be a stormwater measure! Vegetated rain gardens or bioretention that look like common landscaping choices might be specifically constructed to soak in stormwater and/or filter stormwater pollutants like pesticides, fertilizers, and sediment. Generally, vegetation of any kind must be maintained on a property to anchor soils in place and prevent erosion during rain events.
Why does my property have a PCSMP?
The Clean Water Act designates communities in urbanized areas as Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) and tasks them with managing stormwater runoff. As an MS4 community, Goshen established a Stormwater Department which helps the City meet Federal and State requirements for stormwater runoff quality (pollution prevention) and quantity (flood control).
As part of these requirements, stormwater measures must be designed and installed for new and redeveloped properties and a plan for the operation and maintenance of those measures must be created and implemented. The PCSMP, and the maintenance agreement within, help property owners and the City meet their respective State stormwater permit requirements.
The Post-Construction program and its associated PCSMPs have been in place since 2006. Any property that was either newly developed or re-developed since that time should have a recorded PCSMP.
I am a property owner who cannot locate the PCSMP; where can I obtain a new copy?
The PCSMP is recorded with the County Recorder’s Office and can be obtained there along with other essential documents pertaining to your property. Alternatively, the City of Goshen Stormwater Department maintains copies for their own records and can make a copy upon request.
I am resident in a subdivision; how can I obtain a copy of my neighborhood’s PCSMP?
Maintenance of stormwater measures in many cases is coordinated by a Homeowner’s Association. They should have a copy of your neighborhood’s PCSMP or you can obtain a copy from the County Recorder’s Office/Goshen Stormwater Department as described above.
What happens if I fail to meet the requirements of the PCSMP?
In the event that a property owner fails to meet the requirements within their PCSMP, they may be subject to those actions outlined in the Maintenance Agreement section. This section references enforcement actions described in the City’s Post Construction Storm Water Management Ordinance (Ordinance #4329).
Who can I contact for help in understanding maintenance procedures for my stormwater measures?
City of Goshen Stormwater Department – (574)534-2201 or
Printable overview and FAQ sheet
3rd Party Stormwater Infrastructure Inspectors (updated as of 8/3/2022)
NOTE: The City of Goshen is working to expand our list of third party inspectors servicing our region. If you know of a local company or consultant, please alert and we will add them to our list. The City of Goshen's list is not an endorsement of any company contained herein.
Example inspection sheet (coming soon)
Stormwater Infrastructure Fact Sheets with Maintenance and Inspection Guidance
resources from University of Georgia
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