Brian Whirledge and Adrian Sharp
A BIG Thank You to Blank Space for sponsoring this storm drain art!

Artist Bio – Brian Whirledge
Brian was born and raised in Goshen and resides in our most Serene Republic even unto this very day. He teaches art (painting and ceramics) at Wawasee High School. He paints Byzantine icons, and has experience with mural painting. For more information visit his website: www.brianwhirledge.com.
Designer Bio – Adrian Sharp
Adrian grew up in Goshen, but left for college and to make his way in this life. He returned in triumph to the Serene Republic in the yar of our Lord 2011 and has dwelt there even unto this day. He is a graphic designer for Jayco, a leading name in the Recreation Vehicle industry. To contact him you can send him an email at adrsharp@gmail.com.
Painting Description
This collaborative design is inspired by two of our favorite things, the Serene Republic of Goshen and the Star Wars mythos. This design seamlessly marries the neo-classical courthouse dome with the body of the droid R2-D2. The color-scheme comes from the courthouse itself.