Fire Promotions


At the 2/27/2025 Board of Works meeting the following members were promoted that were effective 2/15/25:

Sgt. Matt Whitford was promoted to Fire Lieutenant (Not Pictured). Pvt. John Szuba was promoted to Fire Sergeant

At the 1/23/2025 Board of Works meeting the following members were promoted:

From Left to Right: Pvt. Michael Hamby was promoted to Division Chief of Training, Lt. Andrew Priem promoted to EMS Supervisor, & Pvt. Colten Cox was promoted to Fire Sergeant/EMS Lieutenant

At the 11/14/2024 Board of Works meeting the following members were sworn in as Probationary Firefighters:

From Left to Right: Jeffery Gill, Brian Guerra, Charles Holderbaum, Ryan Rentfrow

At the 11/8/2024 Changing of the Guard ceremony, Anthony Powell was sworn in as Fire Chief

At the 11/7/2024 Board of Works meeting the following promotions took place: 

From Left to Right: Captain Phil Schrock was promoted to Assistant Chief of Administration, Lt. Garrett Sheline was promoted to Fire Captain, Sgt. Matthew Stamm was promoted to Fire Lieutenant, Private Charles Stevens was promoted to Fire Sergeant, John Kauffman was sworn in as a Probationary Firefighter. 

At the 9/29/2024 Board of Works meeting the following promotions took place: 

Joshua Hite was promoted to Private First Class, retroactive to April 10, 2024 (Pictured Above)

Kevin Mann was promoted to Private First Class, retroactive to April 10, 2024 (Not Pictured)

At the 5/9/2024 Board of Works meeting the following assignments took place:

The following were were sworn in as Probationary Firefighters effective 5/17/2024. Derick Schmucker (Top Left), Jonathan Lehman (Top Middle Left), Matthew Borton (Top Middle Right), Allison Eagan (Top Right), Travis Snethen (Bottom)

At the 2/22/2024 Board of Works meeting the following promotions took place retroactive to 2/12/2024:

Pictured from left to right below:

Chief Inspector Scott Thomas was promoted to Assistant Chief of Fire Prevention

Captain Travis Peak was promoted to Chief Inspector of Education

Inspector John Evans was promoted to Chief Inspector of Inspections

Lieutenant Lyle Wingard was promoted to Fire Captain (Not Pictured)

Sergeant Lucas Mason was promoted to Fire Lieutenant

Prive Jeremy Krezel was promoted to Fire Sergeant

At the 1/11/2024 Board of Works meeting the following assignments took place:

The following were were sworn in as First Class Firefighter effective 1/9/2024. James M. White (Left), Doug Burggraf (Center), Jordan Hunter (Right)

At the 9/25/2023 Board of Works meeting the following assignments took place:

The following were were sworn in as Probationary Firefighters effective 9/25/2023. Noah Youngman (Top Left), Kody Miller (Top Right), Colin Loe (Bottom Left), John Bacigal (Bottom Right)

At the 8/7/2023 & 8/14/23 Board of Works meeting the following promotions took place:

8/7/2023 – Private Kyle Stamm (Top Left) & Private Bryant Lehman (Top Right) was promoted to Fire Sergeant effective August 20, 2023

8/14/2023 – Probationary Private John Kauffman (Bottom Left) and Probationary Private Matthew Pilling (Bottom Right) were promoted to First Class Firefighter effective August 15, 2023

At the 5/24/2023 Board of Works meeting the following promotions took place:

Private Lucas Wickey (pictured top left) was promoted to EMS Sergeant retroactive to May 22nd

Private Matthew Stamm (pictured top middle) was promoted to Fire Sergeant retroactive to May 22nd

Fire Sergeant Camden Bontrager (pictured top right) was promoted to Fire Lieutenant retroactive to May 22nd

EMS & Fire Lieutenant Shane McKerchie (pictured bottom left) was promoted to Assistant Chief of EMS retroactive to May 22nd

EMS Sergeant Jonathan Weishaupt (pictured bottom right) was promoted to EMS Lieutenant retroactive to May 22nd

At the 4/24/2023 Board of Works meeting the following promotion took place:

Probationary Private Andrew Lopresti was promoted to Private First Class retroactive to April 12, 2023

At the 4/10/2023 Board of Works Meeting the following Appointments were made:

Kevin Mann (Left) & Josh Hite (Right) were sworn in as Probationary Firefighters

At the 3/27/2023 Board of Works Meeting the following Promotions were made:

Sgt. Garrett Sheline was promoted to Fire Lieutenant effective 4/2/2023

EMS Sergeant Jon Weishaupt was promoted to Fire Sergeant effective 4/2/2023

At the 1/9/2023 Board of Works Meeting the following Promotion and Appointments were made: 

Private Matthew Whitford was promoted to Fire Sergeant effective 2/20/2023

Mike White was sworn in as a Probationary Firefighter effective 1/9/2023

Jordan Hunter was sworn in as a Probationary Firefighter effective 1/9/2023

Douglas Burggraf Jr. was sworn in as a Probationary Firefighter effective 1/9/2023

At the 12/20/2022 Board of Works Meeting Joseph Cestone was promoted to Private First Class:

At the 11/22/2022 Board of Works meeting the following Firefighters were promoted:

Megan Berry (Left) & Hannah Estes (Right) promoted to Private First Class

At the 8/15/2022 Board of Works meeting the following members were sworn in: 

John Kauffman was sworn in as a Probationary Firefighter

Matthew Pilling was sworn in as a Probationary Firefighter

At the 5/2/2022 Board of Works Meeting, the following promotions took place:

Fire Sergeant Shane McKerchie was promoted to Fire Lieutenant

Private Patrick Martin was promoted to Fire Sergeant

Andrew LoPresti was hired as a probationary firefighter effective 4/12/22

At the 1/24/2022 Board of Works Meeting, Wesley White was promoted to Private First Class

History was made at the 11/22/2021 Board of Works Meeting, as Goshen Fire Department hired our first 2 female firefighters:

Megan Berry was hired as a probationary firefighter effective 11/22/21

Hannah Estes was hired as a probationary firefighter effective 11/22/21

At the 11/8/2021 Board of Works Meeting, the following promotions took place:

Fire Lieutenant Travis Peak was promoted to Fire Captain

Fire Sergeant Matthew Dunithan was promoted to Fire Lieutenant

Private Camden Bontrager was promoted to Fire Sergeant

At the 9/20/2021 Board of Works Meeting, the following promotions took place:

Fire Sergeant Zachery Klopfenstein was promoted to Fire Lieutenant

EMS Sergeant Winston Lechlitner was promoted to Fire Sergeant

At the 9/1/2021 Board of Works Meeting, Adam Peisker was promoted to Private First Class

At the 7/19/2021 Board of Works Meeting, the following promotions took place effective 8/2/2021

Assistant Chief of Training Anthony Powell was promoted to Assistant Chief of Operations

Battalion Chief Steffen Schrock was promoted to Assistant Chief of Training

Fire Captain Shane Heeter was promoted to Battalion Chief

Fire Lieutenant Courtney Snyder was promoted to Fire Captain

Fire Sergeant Jeremy Johnson was promoted to Fire Lieutenant

Pvt. Michael Masbaum was promoted to Fire Sergeant

EMS Sergeant Andrew Priem was promoted to EMS Lieutenant

Private Winston Lechlitner was promoted to EMS Sergeant

At the 7/12/2021 Board of Works Meeting, the following promotions took place effective 7/13/2021

Lt. Phil Schrock was promoted to Fire Captain

Sgt. Lyle Wingard was promoted to Fire Lieutenant

Pvt. Matthew Dunithan was promoted to Fire Sergeant

At the 1/11/2021 Board of Works Meeting, Charles Stevens was promoted to Private First Class effective 1/13/2021

At the 1/4/2021 Board of Works Meeting, Wesley White was assigned as a Probationary Firefighter effective 1/4/2021

At the 11/23/2020 Board of Works Meeting, Fire Sergeant Travis Peak was promoted to Fire Lieutenant effective 11/13/2020

At the 11/23/2020 Board of Works Meeting, EMS Sergeant Andrew Priem was promoted to Fire Sergeant effective 11/13/2020

At the 8/31/2020 Board of Works Meeting, Adam Peisker was assigned as a Probationary Firefighter effective 8/31/2020

At the 8/31/2020 Board of Works Meeting, Lucas Mason was promoted to Fire Sergeant effective 8/21/2020

At the 8/24/2020 Board of Works Meeting, Matthew White was promoted to Private First Class effective 8/19/2020

At the 8/10/2020 Board of Works Meeting, Sergeant John Evans was promoted to Fire Inspector effective 8/21/2020

At the 7/20/2020 Board of Works Meeting, Michael Hamby was promoted to Private First Class effective 7/8/2020

At the 5/11/2020 Board of Works Meeting, Lieutenant Jerod Erb was promoted to Fire Captain effective 5/6/2020

At the 5/11/2020 Board of Works Meeting, Sergeant Patrick Linn was promoted to Fire Lieutenant effective 5/6/2020

At the 5/11/2020 Board of Works Meeting, Zac Klopfenstein was promoted to Fire Sergeant effective 5/6/2020

At the 4/20/2020 Board of Works Meeting, Davis Lechlitner was promoted to Private First Class effective 4/15/2020

At the 2/3/2020 Board of Works Meeting, Tyler Thibodeaux was promoted to Private First Class effective 2/11/2020

At the 1/13/2020 Board of Works Meeting, Charles Stevens was assigned as a Probationary Firefighter effective 1/13/2020

At the 10/28/2019 Board of Works Meeting, Lucas Wickey was assigned as a Probationary Firefighter effective 11/4/2019

At the 8/19/2019 Board of Works Meeting, Matthew White was assigned as a Probationary Firefighter effective 8/19/2019

At the 7/22/2019 Board of Works Meeting, EMS Lieutenant Shane McKerchie was promoted to Fire Sergeant effective 7/26/2019

At the 7/22/2019 Board of Works Meeting, Fire Sergeant/EMS Lieutenant Courtney Snyder was promoted to Fire Lieutenant effective 7/26/2019

At the 7/9/2019 Board of Works Meeting, Michael Hamby was assigned as a Probationary Firefighter effective 7/9/2019

At the 7/9/2019 Board of Works Meeting, Lt. Gary Mast was promoted to Fire Captain effective to 7/12/2019 

At the 7/9/2019 Board of Works Meeting, Sgt. Jerod Erb was promoted to Fire Lieutenant effective to 7/12/2019 

At the 7/9/2019 Board of Works Meeting, Lyle Wingard was promoted to Fire Sergeant effective to 7/12/2019

At the 5/13/2019 Board of Works Meeting, Bryant Lehman was promoted to Private First Class retroactive to 5/3/2019

At the 4/15/2019 Board of Works Meeting, Davis Lechlitner was assigned as a Probationary Firefighter effective 4/15/2019

At the 3/25/2019 Board of Works Meeting, Lucas Mason was promoted to EMS Sergeant effective on 3/11/2019

At the 3/25/2019 Board of Works Meeting, Shane McKerchie was promoted to EMS Lieutenant effective on 3/11/2019

At the 2/11/2019 Board of Works Meeting the following personnel were promoted:

From Left to Right: 

  • Tyler Thibodeaux was promoted to Probationary Firefighter effective 2/12/2019
  • Colten Cox was promoted to Private First Class retroactive to 2/6/2019
  • Josh Ortiz was promoted to Private First Class retroactive to 2/6/2019
  • Ryan Ule was promoted to Private First Class retroactive to 2/6/2019

At the 12/21/2018 Board of Works Meeting the following personnel were promoted:

From Left to Right: 

  • Anthony Powell was promoted to Assistant Chief effective 1/1/2019
  • Scott Thomas was promoted to Certified Chief Inspector effective 1/1/2019
  • Matthew Stamm was promoted to Inspector I effective 1/1/2019
  • Phil Schrock was promoted to Fire Lieutenant effective 1/1/2019
  • Garrett Sheline was promoted to Fire Sergeant effective 1/1/2019

At the 11/26/2018 Board of Works Meeting, Devan Garcia was promoted to Private First Class effective on 11/28/2018

At the 9/24/2018 Board of Works Meeting, Winston Lechlitner was promoted to Private First Class effective on 9/25/2018

At the 4/30/2018 Board of Works Meeting, Bryant Lehman was assigned as Probationary Firefighter effective on 5/3/2018

At the 4/9/2018 Board of Works Meeting, Steffen Schrock was promoted to Battalion Chief retroactive to 4/6/2018

At the 4/9/2018 Board of Works Meeting, Shane Heeter was promoted to Fire Captain retroactive to 4/6/2018

At the 4/9/2018 Board of Works Meeting, Anthony Powell was promoted to Fire Lieutenant retroactive to 4/6/2018

At the 4/9/2018 Board of Works Meeting, Courtney Snyder was promoted to Fire Sergeant retroactive to 4/6/2018

At the 2/5/2017 Board of Works Meeting, the following were promoted to Probationary Firefighter effective on 2/5/2018

Colton Cox
Joshua Ortiz
Ryan Ule

At the 11/27/2017 Board of Works Meeting, Devan Garcia was promoted to Probationary Firefighter effective on 11/27/2017

At the 9/5/2017 Board of Works Meeting, Matt Dunithan was promoted to Private First Class effective on 9/6/2017

At the 7/18/2017 Board of Works Meeting, John Szuba was promoted to Private First Class retroactive to 7/12/2017

At the 6/26/2017 Board of Works Meeting, Andrew Priem was promoted to EMS Sergeant effective to 6/30/2017

At the 6/26/2017 Board of Works Meeting, Camron Haberstich was promoted to Private First Class retroactive to 6/20/2017

At the 5/15/2017 Board of Works Meeting, Kyle Stamm was promoted to Private First Class effective 5/17/2017

At the 3/27/2017 Board of Works Meeting, Jonathan Weishaupt was promoted to EMS Sergeant

At the 9/19/2016 Board of Works Meeting, Matt Stamm was promoted to Fire Inspector

At the 9/6/2016 Board of Works Meeting, Matthew Dunithan was appointed to Probationary Firefighter

At the 8/29/2016 Board of Works Meeting, Lucas Mason was promoted to Private First Class

At the 7/11/2016 Board of Works Meeting, John Szuba was appointed to Probationary Firefighter

At the 6/20/2016 Board of Works Meeting, Camron Haberstich was appointed to Probationary Firefighter

At the 6/13/2016 Board of Works Meeting, Michael Happer was promoted to Assistant Chief

At the 6/13/2016 Board of Works Meeting, Scott Thomas was promoted to Chief Inspector

At the 6/13/2016 Board of Works Meeting, Michael Masbaum was promoted to Private First Class

At the 6/6/2016 Board of Works Meeting, William Phillips was promoted to Fire Lieutenant

At the 6/6/2016 Board of Works Meeting, Patrick Linn was promoted to Fire Sergeant