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Department of Environmental Resilience
Rieth Interpretive Center
410 W. Plymouth Ave.
Goshen, IN 46526
(574) 534-0076
The Department of Environmental Resilience was established to help promote and protect the public health, safety and general welfare of the community, to enhance and protect the environment, to promote economic development and to promote the planting, maintenance and removal of trees within the City of Goshen, according to Ord. 5014.
Mayor Jeremy Stutsman, when recommending the creation of the new department, said: "For many years, Goshen has been a leading community, not because we have all the answers but because we are bold and have the foresight to take the long view. We now need to find additional ways to better our physical environment and make our budgets even more efficient."
What We Do
Aaron Sawatsky-Kingsley, the City Forester, is the department head. The Department continues to care for the City's urban forest but also assists the City in identifying opportunities to increase efficiency of resources both environmental and financial as well as provide environmental education opportunities to the public and staff aimed to increase appreciation of our natural places.
- Read Mayor Stutsman's letter to the City Council about the creation of the Department of Environmental Resilience here.
- To see Ord. 5014, click here.
The Department of Environmental Resilience works out of the Rieth Interpretative Center at 410 Plymouth Ave. The unique nature of the property, including an urban forest, the Elkhart River, an urban Millrace, reestablished wildflower spaces, and prairie areas, lend itself to both natural exploration and an opportunity for guided hiking and exploration.
Full-time Staff: from the left, Aaron Sawatsky-Kingsley (Department Head), Brandi DeVoe (Administrative Assistant), Kendel Martin (Forester), Melanie Helmuth (Forester), Theresa Sailor (Educator - Grant Writer)
Meet our Current AmeriCorps Staff: Lee Bergey, Alexa Kennel, Levi Moser, Anna Osborne
YouTube Channel
Check out the Environmental Resilience YouTube Channel to have 24-hour access to the sights and sounds of Goshen’s natural environment.
The City of Goshen has installed three stationary nature cameras to allow 24-hour access to Goshen’s natural environment, sights, and sounds. These cameras will provide safe 24-hour access to the positive benefits of nature for persons who cannot enjoy the trails in person. This project was funded by the Community Connections for People with Disabilities grant offered through the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs in partnership with the Indiana Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services authorized by the CARES Act.