Household Hazardous Waste

Leftover household products that contain corrosive, toxic or reactive ingredients are considered to be “household hazardous waste” (HHW). HHW includes products such as oil-based paints, cleaners, oils, Ni-Cad/Lithium batteries, unused or expired medications, pesticides, or other items that contain potentially hazardous ingredients. These products are safe to use when you follow the manufacturer’s instructions, but they require special handling when you are ready to dispose of them. If disposed of improperly, these wastes can pollute the environment and they can pose a threat to human health. HHW should not be poured down the drain, on the ground, or into storm sewers. For general trash collection questions click here.
What to Do With Household Hazardous Wastes
Any household hazardous waste should be saved and brought to one of the monthly Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off Days sponsored by the Elkhart County Landfill. All Elkhart County residents are welcomed to drop off HHW generated from their homes at HHW Drop-Off Days, which are held on the first Saturday of every month from 8 am to 3 pm at the Elkhart County Correctional Facility on County Road 7 just north of County Road 26. For more information about HHW Drop-Off Days please call the Elkhart County Landfill at 574-522-2581 or visit their website.
Additional disposal information can be found at earth911.com.
For general trash collection questions visit the City’s informational page on trash pick-up click here or visit the Borden Waste-Away website or call them at 574-293-5001. Please note that Borden Waste-Away will pick up one (1) large item per house per week. This includes large household items like furniture, stoves, washers/dryers, etc. but does not include e-waste, items with Freon, car parts, construction debris, tires, etc. If you would like to schedule a pick-up of one of these items please call Borden Waste-Away to see what options are available (e.g. special pick-up or have a dumpster dropped off) but know these services have to be paid for by the property owner. If in question call Borden Waste-Away and they will be more than happy to help you.
Items accepted at the monthly HHW Drop-Off Days:
- Antifreeze, brake fluid, gasoline, kerosene, transmission fluid, windshield washer fluid, and used motor oil
- Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL’s)
- Floor care products, furniture polish, and metal polish
- Fungicide, insecticide, weed killer, rat/mouse poison
- Glue, mineral spirits, oil-based paint, aerosol paints, paint thinner, paint stripper, rust remover, varnish, and wood preservative
- Household cleaners, gun cleaning solvent, mothballs, lighter fluid, and swimming pool chemicals
- Mercury
- Nail polish and polish remover
- Oil-based paints
- Rechargeable batteries, recyclable lithium batteries, car batteries (the SWMD will take car batteries but these may also be sold to a local scrap dealer)
- Unused or expired medications (you may also drop off any sharps but they must be in a puncture-proof container)
- Medications may also be dropped off at the City of Goshen Police Station from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday 365 days a year. Medications can be left in the original bottles but all personal information should be removed.
- Please DO NOT dispose of medications in any form down the drain as it can lead to negative environmental impacts like feminization of fish, drug traces in our drinking water, the disruption of the ecosystem, and soil contamination. Your first choice should be to dispose of medications at a drop-off area or during a Take-Back Event. If you must dispose of medications in the trash, follow the steps explained here.
- National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is held every year in April and October and it “aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse of medications.”
- For more information on how to dispose of unused, unwanted, or expired drugs click here to visit the Indiana Government’s Recycle Indiana webpage or here to visit the U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration Diversion Control Division.
- Medications may also be dropped off at the City of Goshen Police Station from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday 365 days a year. Medications can be left in the original bottles but all personal information should be removed.
Items NOT accepted at the monthly HHW Drop-Off Days:
- Alkaline Batteries:
- Alkaline batteries can be disposed of in the trash. If you would prefer to recycle them earth911.com has some great information and battery recycling options.
- Electronic Waste (click on the links below for more information):
- Best Buy
- Borden’s Waste Away or drop off at Recycling Works located at 605 Mason Street, Elkhart, Indiana 46516
- Computer Recycling, Inc. (no TVs)
- OmniSource or call 574-534-3435
- Staples
- Check out the Recycling/Disposal Guide for Home Gadgets and Devices for detailed information and recommendations.
- For more information from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management on electronic waste click here to visit their website.
- Latex Paint:
- Absorb paint with shredded newspaper, kitty litter, sand, sawdust, or another absorbent, and dispose of in your trash. Aerosol cans can be emptied of their contents and disposed of in the trash. Oil-based paint may be taken to any HHW Drop-Off Day.
- Mattresses:
- Microwaves:
- OmniSource or call 574-534-3435
- Sam Winer & Co or call 574-293-9031
- Refrigerators & Freezers:
- OmniSource or call 574-534-3435
- Goshen residents may place one large item per week, per house with their regular weekly trash for removal. (This does not include electronics, old tube-type televisions or any cooling appliances containing Freon.)
- Styrofoam:
- Tri-Power Recycling will accept amounts from the size of a grocery sack to a semi-truck load. Find our more by visiting their website or calling 574-848-1900.
- Tires:
- Return to a store that sells tires.
For general trash collection questions click here.