Golf Cart and ORV in Goshen
Goshen Golf Cart Regulations
Overview of Golf Cart Ordinance
Effective November 1, 2024, Goshen’s Ordinance 5192 permits the use of golf carts on city highways with specific regulations in place to ensure safety and compliance. Here’s what you need to know to operate a golf cart on Goshen’s streets legally.
To obtain a permit, golf cart inspections will be offered at the Central Fire Station, 209 N. 3rd St., during regular business hours on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Inspections are also available at the Goshen Police Department, 111 E. Jefferson St., on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
1. Definitions and Key Requirements
What is a Golf Cart?
Under Indiana Code § 9-13-2-69.7, a golf cart is defined as a vehicle designed for use on a golf course for recreational purposes with a speed capacity of 25 mph or less.
Where Can You Operate a Golf Cart?
- Permitted Areas: Highways under city jurisdiction with speed limits of 30 mph or less.
- Prohibited Areas:
- State Highways (e.g., S.R. 119, S.R. 15, S.R. 4, and U.S. 33)
- Bicycle paths, trails, sidewalks, and any public areas not designated for vehicles.
Note: Golf carts may cross non-permitted highways at right angles to reach another highway where operation is allowed.
2. Rules for Operating a Golf Cart in Goshen
Basic Rules
- Speed Limit: Maximum of 25 mph.
- Traffic Compliance: All federal, state, and local traffic laws apply.
- Passenger Safety: All passengers must be seated with seatbelts properly fastened in factory-installed seats.
- No Impeding Traffic: Golf carts should not unreasonably impede traffic or operate in a manner that endangers others.
Required Equipment
Golf carts must be equipped with:
- Rear-view mirror
- Headlights, taillights, and brake lights
- Turn signals (front and back)
- Seatbelts for all seating positions (factory-installed or DOT-approved aftermarket)
- Orange safety flag (ATV/UTV style)
- Slow-moving vehicle emblem
All equipment must be maintained in working order and used at all times while driving.
3. Operator Requirements
To operate a golf cart, drivers must:
- Be 16 years or older with a valid, non-suspended driver’s license.
- Hold valid insurance coverage as per Indiana Code requirements.
Financial Responsibility
Drivers must maintain the state-required minimum amount of insurance coverage for the golf cart.
4. Permit Requirements
How to Obtain a Permit
- Permit Application: Required before operating a golf cart within Goshen.
- Fee: A one-time fee of $50 per golf cart.
- Inspection: The Goshen Police or Fire Department will inspect the cart to ensure compliance before issuing the permit.
- Permit Decal: Once approved, a decal will be issued and must be affixed to the left rear of the cart for visibility.
Temporary Permits
Temporary permits may be issued for special events (like parades or festivals) upon approval from the Board of Public Works and Safety. Temporary permits are valid for up to 5 days and must be displayed on the golf cart during use.
5. Violations and Penalties
Penalties for Non-Compliance
Violations are enforced by the Goshen Police Department and other authorized city officials, with fines as follows:
- First Offense: $175
- Second Offense (within 12 months): $225
- Third Offense (within 12 months): $250
Severe violations may result in golf cart impoundment, permit revocation, or additional fines up to $2,500.
Payment of Fines
All fines collected go to the City of Goshen’s general fund to support community programs and services.
Goshen Off-Road Vehicle Regulations
Overview of Ordinance 5184
Ordinance 5184 allows the use of certain off-road vehicles (ORVs) on Goshen highways with specific requirements to ensure safety. Here’s everything you need to know to legally operate an off-road vehicle within city limits.
1. Definitions and Key Requirements
What is an Off-Road Vehicle?
An off-road vehicle (ORV), as defined by Indiana Code § 9-13-2-117.3, includes vehicles with a steering wheel, side-by-side seating, seatbelts, and roll-over protection, such as motorized carts. It does not include motorcycles, scooters, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), or snowmobiles.
2. Operating Off-Road Vehicles on Goshen Highways
Allowed and Restricted Areas
- Allowed: ORVs may operate on certain designated sections of state highways and city streets with speed limits compatible with off-road vehicle safety.
- Prohibited: ORVs are not permitted on bicycle paths, trails, sidewalks, or any public property not intended for vehicular traffic.
Check local road signage and follow city guidelines for approved ORV routes.
3. Rules for Safe Operation
To operate an ORV on city highways, follow these essential rules:
General Rules
- Traffic Compliance: ORV operators must follow all traffic laws, including speed limits and signaling.
- Passenger Safety: All passengers must be seated in factory-installed seats with seatbelts fastened. Helmets are required for occupants under 18.
- Slow-Moving Emblem: ORVs operating under 25 mph must display a slow-moving vehicle emblem.
Required Safety Equipment
To legally drive an ORV, it must be equipped with:
- All ORVs must be equipped with the minimum safety equipment required by the State of Indiana (I.C. 14-16-1) to be registered and operated on highways within Goshen city limits. This includes functional headlights, taillights, and brake lights.Lights must remain on at all times during operation to ensure visibility from a distance of 500 feet. All equipment must be operational at all times.
4. Operator Requirements
To drive an ORV in Goshen, operators must:
- Be at least 16 years old and hold a valid driver’s license.
- Maintain minimum insurance coverage as required by state law.
Note: It is illegal to allow anyone without a valid driver’s license to operate your ORV on city roads.
5. Registration and Permits
- State Registration: ORVs must be registered with the State of Indiana, and the registration decal should be displayed on the front half of the vehicle.
- No Additional City Permit: Goshen does not require a separate city permit for ORVs registered with the state.
6. Violations and Penalties
Violations of Ordinance 5184 may result in fines or impoundment. Here are the details:
- First Violation: $175 fine
- Second Violation (within 12 months): $225 fine
- Third Violation (within 12 months): $250 fine
Severe violations may lead to fines up to $2,500 or impoundment of the ORV.
Contact Information
For questions about ORV rules and regulations, please contact the City of Goshen Police Department.
Phone: (574) 533-866