The Goshen Department of Engineering is seeking community input on the new temporary cycle track along Lincoln Avenue.
Residents can take the survey by going to https://bit.ly/cycletracksurvey, (en español: https://bit.ly/ciclovialincoln). An open house and other opportunities for residents to ask questions directly to staff will be announced at a later date.
The City reconfigured Lincoln Avenue to test the City’s first-ever cycle track, which runs along the south side of Lincoln Avenue between 5th and 8th streets.
The track is expected to provide a safe connection in the city’s bicycle network and facilitate better pedestrian movement while having a minimal impact to vehicular traffic flow. More information, including updates, diagrams and illustrations of the project can be found at goshenindiana.org/cycletrack. For any questions, residents can contact the Engineering Department at 534-2201 or via email at engineering@goshencity.com.