The City of Goshen will begin work on the Wilden Avenue Reconstruction project. Beginning August 1, the west approach of Wilden Avenue from Main Street (SR 15) will be closed.
This means drivers on Main Street will not be able to turn west onto Wilden Avenue. Similarly, drivers heading east on Wilden will not be able to turn north or south onto SR 15.
This portion of the intersection will remain closed through the end of August.
The detour for those on Main Street/SR 15 is SR 15>County Road 26>Indiana Avenue/County Road 21.

Two-way traffic will be maintained on SR 15. Daytime closures of the east approach of Wilden may occur during intersection work.
For more updates on road construction, follow the City of Goshen on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CityOfGoshen or on the city’s website at goshenindiana.org/blog.