The monthly brush pickup for August has been DELAYED a week due to construction on N. Indiana Avenue and will instead begin the week of September 5, 2023, after the Labor Day Holiday.
During scheduled brush collections, the Street Department will make only one pass through the city to pick up brush. Please have your brush by the front curb, but not in the street, by 7:00 a.m. in the morning on the first day. Brush will not be picked up in alleys. The piles of brush should be trash-free. Crews cannot access the piles if blocked by vehicles.
For information regarding Dial-A-Trailer and the Brush Trailer, go to goshenindiana.org/street-department.
The FINAL summer brush pick-up of the year will begin the week of September 25, 2023. After September, all piles of brush must be kept off the street and not mixed with piles of leaves.